DIABETES (diabetes mellitus), arise because the body cannot produce the hormone insulin which enough so that the sugar in the blood could not be converted glycogen can be stored in the muscle or liver tissue.
As a result, the levels of sugar in the blood rise and kidney is unable to absorb this sugar back so that it passes through a sieve of blood sugar and came out with the urine.
Common symptoms suffered by people with diabetes were quickly exhausted, always feel thirsty and hungry, and if sustained will be difficult once recovery.
Below are outlined some of the recipes of traditional herb that can be used as alternatives for treating diabetes.
Lagerstroemia (lagerstromia speciosa) is a tree-shaped plant as high as 5-25 m.
The stem is generally bent, likewise with his fork.
The leaves are shaped like a funnel with a length of 24 cm and 12 cm in width.
The flowers are shaped like a long reach began 40 cm, purple-colored.
Generally, this plant encountered before.
In addition to the above types, there are also comfortable that the flowers are pink, lagerstromia indica type IE.
The leaves and fruit plantisul, Lagerstroemia containing substance its activities such as insulin.
According to research results, which are old and comfortable leaves as many as 20 g.
If boiled in 100 ml of water for 45 minutes and drink, power 6-6.7 units of insulin.
In fact, all parts of the plant and comfortable can be used to cure diabetes, but the best part is its leaves which are old.
How to make potions:
Prepare 30 g of leaves and comfortable old age still fresh from the purple and comfortable type of flowering, then boiled in 150 ml of water for approximately 1 hour.
Boiled water was then split three to drink three times a day each 50 ml.
Drink it preferably sete-ngah or one hour before eating.
This is done every day to heal diseases urinary sweetness.
GREETINGS (eugenia polyantha). Is rainforest trees plant as high as 25 m.
Plants of the family myrtaceace is spread starting from Burma ended on the island of Java.
In Java, these plants are often called catatansamsul.
In the area of Sunda, Madura and called greetings, whereas in Sumatra are called meselengan.
Leaves are oval-shaped, it smells bad if twisted so that many are used as condiments cooking.
Its fruit is a spherical-shaped and colored red if it is old.
How to make potions:
Leaves as many as 75-100 gr. boiled in three glasses of water
to live half of it. Rebusannya water cooled and filtered, then
then the drunk three times a day and a half cups respectively.
The next day, Bay leaves which have boiled it just as much, plus air
boiled again until it is halved.
The water has been boiled in the drink again in the same way.
Day three, leaves greeting was replaced with a new one, then boiled again, and drink back like the aforementioned ways.
It was done up in blood sugar levels return to normal.
Plant juwet or jambul (syzygium cumini)
In the form of a tree stem is striped Middle 60 cm and its height can reach 15 m.
The fruit is a blue slightly purple juwet (juwet ordinary) or black (juwet black).
In addition to the blue and black fruits, There are also varieties of fruit are purple (juwet meat), in fact some are colored white (juwet onions).
The seeds are able to cure the symptoms juwet "long time wound recovery". Allegedly, the Glycoside phytomelin in seeds capable of reducing juwet the fragility of the vessel capillaries so the wounds that exist can be quickly cured.
In addition, the seeds are also able to cope with symptoms juwet easily tired and less energy.
Allegedly, alfa-phytosterol in that seed, that is a sterol that is anticholesteremik, being able to prevent excess cholesterol.
High levels of glucose in the blood of people with diabetes, make a low cholesterol levels are still alone was as severe conditions.
As if it was already mostly cholesterol blood so that the task of blood is interrupted.
As a result, the generation of energy results in oxidation of food into energy gets bogged down, can lack of manpower and sufferers will feel lethargic.
How to make potions:
A seed or seeds juwet onion 15 ordinary pounded smooth juwet, then boiled in two glasses of water.
This drink a little water stew-a little and the amount there is to be spent all day.
Could gradually by drinking three times a day, can also twice a day.
The granting of this herbal medicine may take 2-3 days.
The treatment is stopped when the Agency already was feeling fresh, not a laggard, and lack of power again.
Please note that the seeds only treat juwet symptoms, While the lack of insulin which became a major cause of the disease could not overcome the seeds so that in addition to drinking juwet herb seeds
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