How many of you strain to bang out a set of crunches everyday to get that tone tum? If you are nodding yes?... has it worked? Have you got the toned six pack you desire?
A word of advice for you all, just a single word... PILATES.
A US study found pilates abdominal moves are fat better for sculpting your midsection, especially an exercise called the Teaser. According the Womens Health, It fires up 39% more of your rectus abdominis than crunches and 266% more of your external oliques (your love handles). To do it, lie on your back and lift your legs so your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to the floor, with knees bent. Raise your hands towards the ceiling, lift your torso and straighten your legs so your body forms a V-shape. Hold, then roll back down, keeping your legs raised. Now do 10 more .
Check out the picture below on how to get the technique perfected...
Another interesting study found that swimmer have trimmer waists and more lean muscle than land-based exercises, so ditch the gym for toned abs and hit the pool! Front crawl is best for love handles ladies and breast stroke and back stroke are best for the mid section. Get paddling.
So this week, fit in a pilates session and a 40 minute swimming session to get started! Let me know how you get on.
Enjoy the rest of your week bloggers
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