The liver holds about one pint (13%) of the body’s blood supply at any given time. (1) The liver has many functions and is a very important organ.
Some of the functions include:
1. Production of bile: bile helps take waste and breaks fat down in the small intestine drink digestion.
2. Production of proteins that are needed for the blood plasma.
3. Production of cholesterol and proteins that help carry fats through the body.
4. Conversion of glucose to glycogen (used for energy).
5. Regulation of amino acids.
6. Processing of hemoglobin (the liver stores iron).
7. Conversion of ammonia to urea (ammonia can be poisonous).
8. Elimination of drugs and toxins from the blood.
9. Helps in regulation of blood clotting.
10. Defends against infections and responsible for removing bacteria from the blood.
As you can see the liver is involved in many functions throughout the body and has many jobs. When the liver breakdown toxins, those toxins are execrated from the body in the form of urine. That’s why it’s important to drink lots of water and keep hydrated.
Detoxifying your liver is a great way to get rid of toxins and other harmful substances. The body holds on to toxins in the digestive, lymph, and areas of fat. It’s important to break down the toxins and eliminate them.
A great way to detoxify the liver is to avoid consumption of alcohol, caffeine, pesticides and chemicals on foods, and sugar.
Start with a Juice Fast
A juice fast is a great way to help your body get rid of toxins and also start the “healing” process. During your 3-5 day fast you are consuming fresh organic vegetable juice. And since most of the insoluble fiber is gone from the juicing process, the juice that you consume is highly absorbable. You also absorb soluble fiber which is important for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.
During your detox drink lots of water. I recommend drinking a cup of warm water and lemon each morning and night. Warm water and lemon has many benefits including helps with weight loss and helps maintain a neutral pH in the body.
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