How to cope with chest pain

How to cope with pain in chest- does the same heartburn reflux? And what is the best way to treat it? Reflux commonly known as heartburn due to the attack on the chest and can feel scary like a heart attack. Medically known as gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs when the reflux of stomach contents  food and fluids leaking out of the belly of ride to the esophagus.

The problem is not with excess stomach acid, although it may feel that way, but with defects in the closing of the esophagus sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus. With the design of the sphincter should keep a tight seal, only allowing food and drink for the journey towards the bottom, not the other way around. The symptoms can be a feeling of food getting stuck or lump in the back of the sternum (breastbone) and burning or acid sensation in the sternum and up into the throat.

Many women experience reflux during pregnancy. This is due to some hormones that relax the smooth muscle (in this case the esophageal sphincter) and also later in pregnancy due to the pressure to the top of the baby in the stomach. Hiatus hernias commonly cause reflux-this is when part of the stomach is forced through a small hole (absent) in the diaphragm into the chest. Reflux is also a common symptom of that old friend, stress.

What I has to do?

Some foods trigger reflux, including alcohol, chocolate, coffee, spicy food, tomatoes, capsicums, cucumber and citrus fruits. Not all of these foods will cause symptoms. Getting to know Your triggers and avoid them.

Peppermint is usually large for digestive disorders of any kind. However, for some people, peppermint can relax the sphincter and esophageal reflux triggers. While you're off coffee and alcohol, why not drink a herbal tea that helps the reflux? Choose a tea from one or more of the following delicious herbs: licorice root, ginger, chamomile, lemon balm and meadowsweet. Slippery elm is an absolute must when treating reflux. It soothes and heals. Take one teaspoon of slippery elm powder before or with meals, mashed with a little yogurt, bananas or in hot water.

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