Prevention of Skin Wrinkles Without Surgery

Prevention of Skin without surgery-Wrinkled Wrinkles on the face could come more quickly than we had expected. Especially if all this time our lifestyle is less healthy, for example smoking or get used to eating carelessly. Although currently there are various brands of creams and serums to prevent premature aging, even plastic surgery, in fact we can also prevent the arrival of wrinkles with simple changes start to do. 

1. sleep on her back to sleep in the same position for years could lead to the emergence of "line" in the face of who eventually will settle in the top layer of the skin. Sleep in a sloping position can cause the onset of wrinkles in the skin of the cheeks and Chin. While sleep tengkurap thus making lines wrinkles in the eyebrow area. The most ideal sleeping position is actually a lie. 

2. Love the salmon fish and other sea fish also are the best sources of protein, one of the builders of healthy skin. Fatty fish is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Experts say the fatty acids will keep the skin moist, youthful, and prevent wrinkles. 

3. Do not be cringing Makes the same repetitive facial expressions, for example, cringing or frown, will make the muscles of the face of excessive work forming the Groove under the layers of skin. Usually the grooves will evolve into wrinkles. 

4. The products contain AHA antiaging products mostly contain Alpha-hydroxy Acids (AHAS). This substance does help remove layers of dead skin cells so that will disguise the wrinkle lines on the face, especially around the eyes. A stronger content of AHA is useful to trigger the production of collagen. But the use of products containing AHA can make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light, so don't forget to wear sunscreen when going to the old activity outdoors. 

5. reduce the face wash to wash the face with water can eliminate the skin's natural moisture that is protects the skin from wrinkles. Therefore, start reducing the habit of washing the face with water, unless you use a special cleaner SOAP. 

6. Some studies mention Vitamin C creams that contain vitamin C can increase collagen production, protecting the skin from the dangers of UVA and UVB rays, reduces dark spots, uneven skin tone even. However choose cosmetic products containing vitamin C, for example L-ascorbic acid or ascorbyl palmitate.

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