Scalp and hair treatment

Beautiful hair is the most beautiful of God's grace. Condition the hair is usually determined by genes, environmental factors, diet, and living patterns. Consume protein, vegetable, fresh fruit and gives the effect that is very good for your hair.But it is also related to how we provide care your scalp and hair.

But often with hair that is styled with a variety of products, resulting in the condition of your scalp and hair that is damaged. Therefore it takes care of the scalp and hair, in addition to "relaxing" but can also be menyehatkannya.

Here are a few common problems experienced and how treatment of scalp and hair naturally:

Scalp and hair care of irritated skin Shampoo. 
Scalp feels painful, let alone embossed acne-acne is a small sign of irritation or allergic reaction against materials against materials contained in shampoo or hair styling products. Immediately stop the use shampoo.

Treatment of scalp and hair loss. 
Hair loss is said to be abnormal when more than 100 hairs per day. Can happen due to various reasons, among others, the functions of the thyroid/goiter yag doggerel, digestive disorders, pasasit investment (eg, intestinal worms), deficiency of nutrients, hormone disorders, aging process, secondary trauma after pregnancy, skin diseases, diabetes, kemotrapi, and stress. How to combat hair loss is to search and resolve the first cause. Nutritional therapy that can help is the consumption of foods rich in silica to strengthen hair, namely skin potatoes, cucumber, chilli red/green, bean sprouts/mung bean; foods rich in protein and iron: green beans, lean meat, sea vegetation such as sea algae. Select milk sheep don't milk cows. Vitamin B complex, vitamin E, biotin; minerals: zinc, iron items; supplements: evening primrose oil, flax seed oil, or green tea. Brush the scalp with Aloe Vera already diluted with water or chamomile tea steeping water pepper or steeping the Greens that are already cooled.

Treatment of scalp and hair damaged by Frequently painted. 
The roots of the hair that is not strong and the hair tends to be drier due to the frequently changing hair color impaired appearance and self confidence. To overcome this, the trick with adequate nutritional needs. Nutrients needed by hair that is by consuming vegetables and fruits containing colored betakaroten and elements zinc, foods that contain high protein, and simply consume a healthy vegetable oils such as olive oil, canola oil, evening primrose oil, or flax seed oil. In addition, complete with outside care i.e. hot oil treatment or cream bath with essential oil (aromatherapy) regularly.

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