Start by waking up and toning those legs of yours:
Ballet leg extensions
Lean forward on a table resting your elbows with your tummy tucked in. lef the right leg out to the back and up with leg slighty bent, heel facing ceiling hold and lower. now with your right leg still bent lift up to the side, hold, lower. Do 15 kick backs and 15 side lifts on each leg. Yes, im afraid... it does hurt but oh so worth it.
Next concentrate on those dreaded bingo wings:
Rotation Row
Hold a pair of dumbbells (2-3lbs) out in front at shoulder height, plams facing down. Stand with your right foot in front of your left, bend your knees and lean forward slightly. pull the weights into the sides of your torso rotating your plans toward your body.
Repeat 10-15 times.
I LOVE this one for the buttocks
Glute bridge
You'll get a tighter toned tush and slimmer hips as well as elongating your spine to reduce back pain. Fit this in every evening and morning and hold in your abdonminal muscles to ensure your back doesnt arch. You can add in weights (as shown in picture) Repeat until glutes conk out
Great arm workout:
Weights windmill
Stand with feet a little wider than your hips and hold weights in front of you by your legs. lean your torso forward. rotate the arm to the right as you raise your right arm, return to the start then repeat on the left arm. Keep alternating for 20 reps and you're done for the day
Complete this circuit stopping for only 30 seconds at the end then repeat for up to three times, three days a week.
Give it a go and you will soon find that it fits into your daily routine plus you have more energy and motivation to get up and do the circuit! Plus, all these exercises can be done anywhere.... leave some weights at work so on your lunch break you can workout for 5 minutes, it will most certainly help beat the afternoon slump.
Good Luck. Keep me updated with how you get on.
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