The Plank Challenge

Today I begin my plank challenge! It begins by holding the plank position for 1 minute (if this is too hard then begin with 20 seconds or 30 seconds).. Easy peasy! However it will increase slightly everyday for a month and I get 3 days rest each week. Wish me luck! I will keep you updated with how I get on :) why not try it with me. Message me for more details.
Question is... WHY am I doing the plank challenge.. Well, I wrote a blog a while back called the AB OFF.. Crunches or the plank? And this is what I learnt:
WHICH IS BETTER? PLANKS VS CRUNCHES - They're both classic tummy toners but which is best?

THE WINNER IS.............................................


Basic crunches only work your surface abs, while planks work your entire core, pulling your waist in like a corset. However, you need to get the plank form correct to get the best benenfits - have the base of your forearm flat on the floor, don't drop your hips, raise your bum or hunch your shoulders. Squeeze in the belly button as far as possible, imagine it is reaching your spine.
Joining me on my 30 day plank challenge? Technique is key...
Photo: Joining me on my 30 day plank challenge? Technique is key...
Good Luck! I Will keep you all updated with how I get on :)

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