Facts on Sugary Drinks!

Hello everyone,

Tonight at the childrens healthy weight scheme iI work on we have the topic of Sugary Drinks. This topic is a good one and I, along with the families enjoy this session. So, I thought I would share some of the information we cover and learn :L as obesity is on the rise and it is frightening so it is important to pin point whats causing this and how to tackle it.

Sugary drinks are the main contributor to sugar in childrens diets! Sugary drinks generally do not provide us with any nutrients that we need so elminating them from the diet will simply cut out sugar and excess energy. Common sugary drinks are:

These are all examples of high sugary drinks. Sugary drinks are a hidden source of energy. When we consume energy in liquid form we dont feel full, so we tend to eat MORE. This leads to weight gain. Sugary drinks also cause dehydration which often can be confused with hunger therefore again, leading to us eating more.

Juice drinks such as the ribena or fruit shoots are also NOT a healthy choice as they have added sugar and flavourings and they do not contain fruit as they claim they do on their packaging. A 330ml orange capri sun contains 8 1/2 teaspoons of sugar... This is shocking!! One 388ml carton of Rubicon contains 9 1/2 teaspoons of sugar... Does this shock you?? These are two examples of packaging fooling you.

SHOCKER: one 500ml bottle of Cola = 13 1/4 teaspoons of sugar

SHOCKER: Drinking 1 can of cola per day for 1 month = 1kg of sugar

Sugar is also contained in the diet through food, however there are better options to replace table sugar. Check out a previous 'Are you sweet enough' blog at: http://www.healthy-solutions.co.uk/blogView.php?id=18

Don't think about going for the 'Sugar free' or 'diet' options either, these contain additive and sweetners which create a sweet tooth. They are also damaging to teeth and can cause tooth decay. Keep these types of drinks away from children unless you want your childrens teeth to look like this: YES this is caused by too many sugary drinks!! Check out this article on diet sugary drinks to read more on the topic, it claims that diet fizzy drinks make you 60% more likely to get diabetes than regular full fat versions: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2275500/Diet-fizzy-drinks-make-60-MORE-likely-diabetes-regular-fat-versions.html#axzz2Kb5J9mHe

For those of you who rely on 'sports drinks' such as lucozade sport etc as also damaging your health! These contain a lot of sugar too and dont provide you with the efficient nutrients needed for good performance. Why not make your own? Check out a previous blog 'Make your own sports drink' here on the website: http://www.healthy-solutions.co.uk/blogView.php?id=4
OR on Blogger: http://healthysolutionswe.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html

I think you know whats coming next...... What should we drink then?.... WATER - it is very simple, stick to water and you can't go wrong! For children they need around 6-8 glasses of water a day - mix it up a little, add in fresh or frozen fruit to flavour the water (bought flavoured water still contains sugar), children need milk for calcium and vitamin D - stick to semi-skimmed and skimmed options, they are high in vitamins but low in fat! 100% orange juice is also an option as it contains vitamins and there is a healthy choice, however, it must be diluted 50/50 with water and only drunk once per day with a meal due to the high concentration of natural sugar.

If you do something important this week make it CUTTING OUT SUGARY DRINKS!!

Good luck.

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