Vision Solutions

If you suffer from poor vision, did you know that glasses and LASIK aren’t the only ways to see more clearly? There are many things you can start doing at home to sharpen your vision naturally. Remedies vary from adequate vitamin intake to exercises and even simple lifestyle changes.
Let’s go over some of the basics for improving your eyesight naturally.
Nutrition and vision
If you love to cook, it’s time to get out your apron. Healthy vision and what you eat go hand in hand. The vitamins A, C and E are absolutely essential to healthy eyes.
Vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and leafy greens are high in vitamin A. Fruits such as oranges and strawberries are both delicious and high in vitamin C, but so are veggies – broccoli and even chilli peppers are high in vitamin C too.
Things get a little bit nutty when you’re trying to find foods with a rich vitamin C content. Get out the peanut butter and pesto because almonds, peanuts and even pine nuts are rich in vitamin E!
Don’t forget your minerals – zinc and copper are important parts of your diet so make sure that you are eating foods rich in these minerals too. Foods high in zinc range from oysters to dark chocolate, while foods high in coppers include sesame seeds and dried herbs.
Eye exercises
It’s time to start exercising those eyeballs! Simple eye exercises you do at home can help you improve your eyesight without the hassle of glasses or expensive LASIK surgery.
Learn how to roll, focus and massage your eyes back to perfect vision. In fact, here is an example of a free eye exercise that you should be performing daily.
After all, your eyes need a workout just as much as the rest of your body. If you can commit to daily eye exercises, you might just improve your vision drastically within a month’s time.
Give your eyes a rest
Have you been abusing your eyes? Do you stare at a computer screen all day long only to come home and flip on the tube? It’s important not to underestimate the importance of rest and relaxation when it comes to your health – including your eye health.
If you’re stuck behind a computer monitor all day long, make sure you are scheduling yourself, and your eyes, some much needed breaks. We recommend taking 10 second eye breaks every 10 minutes by looking at something 10 feet away, while you’re behind a computer monitor to give your eyes a rest. (We call this the 10-10-10 rule)
And most of all, don’t forget to sleep – aim for a healthy 8 hours every night so that you can give your eyes time to rebuild and repair from a long day of work!
A few simple changes really can help you improve your vision naturally. Eat a diet rich in the nutrients that your eyes need to be healthy. Get and keep those eyes toned and in shape with the simple eye exercises. Give your eyes a break and make sure they’re rested and not overworked.
Treat your eyes well and they’ll do the same for you.
Free Eye Exercise
Here's an example of one of the 8 different eye exercises included in the Rebuild Your Vision Program...
*Note: The Rebuild Your Vision Program does not require the use of a computer to perform the eye exercises. This free eye exercise has been modified for computer demonstration.


Step 1: Refer to the image above labeled "Circles." You will also need a pen or pencil. 

Step 2: Sit relaxed and adjust your chair so that you are 12 to 24 inches from the computer monitor at eye level. If the image is not perfectly clear to you, that's all right, as long as you can make out the image.

Step 3: Hold the pen vertically between the two circles approximately 1 inch from the screen. The top of the pen should be at the same level as the image.

Step 4: Focus on the top of the pen as you slowly bring it toward your face. (Refer to Figure 3.2 below.) As you bring the pen closer to your face you will notice the two circles appear to become three circles. When it appears that the three circles are all the same shape and proportion, stop moving the pen.

Step 5: Try to shift your focus from the pen to the center circle. This may be difficult and could take a few days to master. If you have trouble doing this, refer to "Troubleshooting" below.

Step 6: Once you can focus on the center circle, move your pen away while maintaining your focus. Try to see the center circle as clearly as possible. As you increase your focus you will notice that the center circle becomes three-dimensional. It will look as if you were peering down into a Styrofoam cup. (Refer to Figure 3.3 below.)

Step 7: Your final goal for Level 1 is to look at the two circles and create the three circles, the center one appearing three-dimensional, without using your pen. Once you can easily achieve this, proceed to next level

And if you have any difficulties with this free eye exercise...

There's troubleshooting tips like these to help you along the way...

Helpful Tip #1: If you have trouble creating the third circle.

Move closer or farther from the monitor. Also, your eyes may have become tired very quickly, so briefly look away or perform the Distant Night eye exercise to refresh your eyes.

Helpful Tip #2: If you see four circles.

Focus closer to the tip of your nose. Bring the pen closer to your face and keep your eyes focused on it. This should transform the four circles into three. Another option is to move a few inches farther from the monitor.

Helpful Tip #3: If you cannot focus on the center circle.

If you can see the center circle but have trouble focusing on it without the pen, be assured that this is normal when you're first performing this eye exercise. Focus on the top of the pen, then slowly look over it at the center circle. Keep going back and forth between the two until you are able to focus on the center circle without the pen.

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