Dealing with slip ups!

The obesity scheme I work on inspired my blog for today as we did a session on slip ups and how to deal with them. It will be a short blog today as I just wanted to share this message and advice with you all as we aren't all perfect and will have and face slip ups in our diet and fitness programmes. 

Remember, making mistakes helps us to do well! People who make mistakes and learn from them as they are going along tend to be more successful in the long run. so, don't worry if it goes a bit wrong, try to work out why it happened and get back on track as soon as you can. So what you had a blow out, don't continue throughout the day/week/weekend like that change it straight after you've had the blow up. Don't leave it until next week or tomorrow but start again straight away! 

This minute is possible! 

Tips for the parents: 
Your children have to re-learn new ways to eat. This is not easy, so be patient and consistent and keep on explaining why you are making the changes to your family's eating. If it doesn't work straight away (unlikely it will) don't be angry with your children, or hard on yourself, making these changes can be difficult. Just do your best and keep on trying. Doing enjoyable things together really helps build relationships and if you are all having fun this will help make the changes feel better. 

Play games, have non food treats, go out together and try to make times to talk. This will help you feel good about yourselves as parents and then you'll be less likely to give up. 

Good Luck and remember...... DONT GIVE UP!!

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